В XXI веке Полярная звезда преподнесла астрономам загадку. Звезда неожиданно для всех изменила своё поведение. Что с ней не так?
The article discusses the unexpected change in the behavior of Polaris, the North Star. For centuries, Polaris has been a reliable navigational point due to its consistent brightness. However, recently, astronomers have observed the star's brightness fluctuating in a way that deviates from its historical patterns. This change in behavior has puzzled scientists and raised questions about what might be causing it.
The article discusses the unexpected change in the behavior of Polaris, the North Star. For centuries, Polaris has been a reliable navigational point due to its consistent brightness. However, recently, astronomers have observed the star's brightness fluctuating in a way that deviates from its historical patterns. This change in behavior has puzzled scientists and raised questions about what might be causing it.